r e c e n t



we got development funding for a series VR-IRL-VR-IRL etc from Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg. We'll be filming a pilot! Quick, where's that how to write a TV series guide, haha lol. So serious though. 

See teaser below: Brecht Into The Metaverse


Humboldt Futures 

Workshop with rather awesome people at

Humboldt University Berlin,  Cluster of Excellence. Matters of Activity (Berlin). Curated by Dr. Tom Lilge (gamelab.berlin) and Prof. Elizabeth Sikiaridi + Prof. Frans Vogelaar ( Hybrid Space Lab).

January 12, 2024 


book deal! 

The publication on VR, diversity and culture will be published in 2024. Fabulous contributions by fabulous writers, artists and academics... Visual comments by the fine artists of Rambazamba (Berlin).

re:publica 2023: "how to move public money (fast)" TEASER

made in Berlin (June 2023)

presented in Hamburg (September 2023)


Kunstforum, #290

curator Boris Magrini wrote in his article "Kunst und das Metaverse heute - ein Wettbewerbsfeld" about artists working in virtual environments. He also discussed my map "dreams about girls" in VRChat. I mean Kunstforum!!! So cool.   


venice, delegation journey

presenting "Brecht Into The Metaverse" teaser at Venice Immersive (Venice International Film Festival 2023) at the German booth, thanks to Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg. 



submission deadline extended: 14 Aug 2023.


looking for contributions! 

We are looking for concrete examples of successes, processes, missteps, critical confrontations and failed projects in the field of tension between virtuality, diversity and (re)design ambitions of the virtual construction site that is the Metaverse.


diversion (but no u-turn): www.Virtual-architects.org

broadening scopes in 2023.


looking for designers (VRChat)... please get in touch! 


cash: brecht into the metaverse at re:publica   



05.-07.06.2023, Berlin 


site inspection: brecht into the metaverse 

People of Oberschöneweide visit our construction site in VR and tell us their wishes for spatial and interaction design.   



06.05.2023, Michael-Brückner-Platz, Berlin-Oberschöneweide 


ON TOUR: POSTcards from the metaverse

from autumn 2022: Trip Report 18 Postcards from the Metaverse. Book through assistenz@katharinahaverich.de  



30.11.2022, Stadtwerkstatt Kamenz

21.02.2023, Schloss Genshagen


vr goes tv: Pixel party

from Oct 26, ARD Kultur brings out a new magazine about digital pop culture, "Pixel Party". Contents: Metaverse, AI, AR & NFTs (what a blend). Happy to be featured with my work and even more happy about hanging with the pop culture kids. 


Off to buy a TV now.


Acting for the metaverse* (101)

1/2 day workshop by Katharina Haverich and Fernanda Parente at Prof. Marion Hirte's seminar Free and Experimental Theatre for acting students at University of the Arts Berlin


June 2022  

*The term metaverse was coined by Neal Stephenson

in his sci-fi novel "Snow Crash" (1992) 


Art(History) IN VR

Christopher Hotti Böhm at Deutsches Studienzentrum in Venice

With Rostislav Tumanov (Art Historian), Sophie Schmidt (Artist), Moderation: Katharina Haverich


20.03.2021, in VRChat





VReatherVReffen #1 (sorry, we needed humor at the time)

regular meetings in VRChat with unreal.theater


03.03.2021, 19.30 (UTC+1) onboarding, VRChat (& Twitch)


more dates in 2021: 04.04., 05.05., 06.06., 07.07. etc



"Praxisbeispiel Social VR: VRChat"

with unreal.theater

for Performing Arts Programm - Performing Knowledge


03.03.2021, in VRChat



Presentation and Virtual Excursion: Social VR - Virtual Spaces for Common Cultural Experiences

with unreal.theater

for Technologie Stiftung


02. + 04.02.2021, in VRChat 



Presentation and talk on Digital Experiencing 

annual conference of the Dramaturgische Gesellschaft


24.01.2021, in Mozilla Hubs



Virtuelle Bandenbildung - Action Art Workshop (totally alpha)   

for Radikale Töchter


17.12.2020, 07.01. + 14.01.2021, in VRChat 



Exploring Prater Digital - with an audience 

with unreal.theater

for Prater Digital


11.12.2020, in Mozilla Hubs