Explorations, various media, multiple iterations (2022-2026)
A C U T E // D U R I N G
berlinale 2025:
Virtual Weapons (Brecht fragments #1 - #8)
Dialogue-based Virtual Reality Installation
By Katharina Haverich. With Konstantin Bez
“Virtual Weapons (Brecht fragments #1 - #8)” is an invitation into a series of brief occupations of virtual and IRL bodies at Berlin School of VR (Virtual Reality). During an encounter with a seasoned VR-guide, users playfully inhabit fragmented, undramatic positions of conflict in times of war. Sensual elements on location enrich the experience of the virtual space. Depending on the fragment of the booked slot, the experience may include a succession of actions and words that give the user new skills and a deeper understanding of the complexities of human motivation.
This dialogue-based VR installation works with fragments #1 - #8 out of a total of #90 fragments.
Ca. 25min / slot, admission fee ranges from 10 EUR – 249,99 EUR.
The user will be filmed in VR during the experience.
Sound by: Michael Hoppe
Venue: Berlin School of VR (Virtual Reality)
Allerstr. 15, 12049 Berlin
Thursday, 13.02.2025
10h Fragment #1
11h Fragment #2
13h Fragment #3
14h Fragment #4
Friday, 14.02.2025
10h Fragment #5
11h Fragment #6
13h Fragment #7
14h Fragment #8
Ticket Category 1: 10 EUR (25min slot)
Ticket Category 2: 39 EUR (25min slot, including the publikation „Das Metaversum zerstalten“ (transcript, 2024)
Ticket Category 3: 249,99 EUR (25min slot, including the destruction of a VR headset)
Virtual Reality World (work-in-progress)
Brecht into the Metaverse, VRChat, from 2023
Pilot for TV Mini Series (work-in-progress)
Brecht into the Metaverse (WT), from 2022
"Das Metaversum zerstalten" (transcript), 2024
Video Series
"how to move public money (fast)", 2024
3D printed and modelled after the virtual reality world, 2m x 1m, 2024
during Berlinale (2025)
Goethe Institut (2024)
Deutsches Museum Nürnberg (2024)
re:publica Berlin + Hamburg, 2023 + 2024
during Vennice Immersive (2023)
Dok Leipzig Exchange XR, 2022
Funded by
Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt Berlin
Virtual Reality World "Brecht into the Metaverse"
by Katharina Haverich
Technological Artist Dr. Roman Miletitch
Art Director Dr. Lucas Kuster
VR Design / VR Creators Dr. Roman Miletitch, Helen Lam, Zenker Zwonge, Daniel Boubet. INVR.SPACE: Sönke Kirchhof (Executive Producer), Jessica Zippel (Line Producer), Timo Heikkilä (Developer), Yume Tanaka (Developer / 3D Artist), Zacharoula Giarlou (3D Artist), Alexander Dietz (3D Artist), Niklas Schmidt (3D Artist)
Co-Design Virtual Stage / Avatars RambaZamba Atelier: Mario Peinze, Sabine Kaemmel, Thomas Zwerger
Sound Michael Hoppe
Research and Key-Concept Accessible Virtual Stage Lenn Blaschke
Pilot "Brecht into the Metaverse" (WT) for TV Mini-Series
by Katharina Haverich
Screenplay Anna Loll
Produced by Eric Nikodym (Ymusic), Katharina Haverich
Directors of Photography Manuel Ruge, Jakob Gross, Katharina Haverich, Lenn Blaschke
Editing Sophie Messerschmidt (Firmament)
Artistic Collaboration & Project Coordination Konstantin Bez
Sound Recording Jakob Gross
Sound Design Thomas Wallmann
Title Design / Visuality Dr. Lucas Kuster
Head of Production Wiebke Wesselmann
Producer Eric Nikodym
Diversity Manager Sonja Baltruschat
VRChat Sign Language deaf_danielo_89, CODApop
Translator Plain German Anne Leichtfuß
Location Scouting / Kids Casting Spain Emilia Arana Manzano
Set Assistance Berlin Selena Gomez
With Michael Baumeister, Konstantin Bez, Lioba Breitsprecher, Ahmet Çetinkaya, Katharina Haverich, Levi Haverich, Sadie Lune, Cayetana Arana Maiques, Jimena Arana Maiques, Valentina Muñoz Romero, Antonio J. Sánchez, Mateo González Sánchez, Zora Schemm, Mateo Villarroel Sintes, Nele Wunkler, Michael Wittsack
Thank you
Vincent Maurer, Enrique Torres & Team (re:publica 24)
Güney Aksünger (It's A Long Story)
Thomas Schaal (Tauchzentrale Kreuzberg)
Antonio J. Sánchez (Refugios de la Guerra Civil de Almería)
RambaZamba Theater Berlin
Via Blumenfisch Berlin
Escuale de Surf Awa, Motril
Berlin 61 Confitería y Restaurante (Motril)
Book "Das Metaversum zerstalten"
eds. Katharina Haverich and Dr. Lucas Kuster
Contibutors Anika Krbetschek, Carolin Sibilak, David Hughes, Dirk Sorge, Fernanda Parente, Jens Fehrenbacher, Julia Bruton, Jocelyne Stahl, Katharina Haverich, Kent Bye, Marietta Kesting, Ranjit Menon, Rosa Di Nero, Sonja Baltruschat
Cover Design Dr. Lucas Kuster
Cover Image Dr. Roman Miletitch
Review Committee Sonja Baltruschat, Katharina Haverich, Dr. Lucas Kuster, Babusi Nyoni, Dr. Inga Scharf Da Silva
Translator Plain German Anne Leichtfuß
Proof Reading Prof. Dr. Stephan Otto, Dr. Ann Kristin Haverich
Concept and Design Dr. Lucas Kuster
Visual Comments RambaZambe Atelier Berlin: Mario Peinze, Sabine Kaemmel, Thomas Zwerger, Eberhard Pastow
Coordination and Editorial Collaboration Konstantin Bez
Video Series "how to move public money (fast)"
by Katharina Haverich
Filming Katharina Haverich
Editing Sophie Messerschmidt, Firmament
Coordination and Artistic Collaboration Konstantin Bez
Location Sound Michael Hoppe
With W.W. (Artistic Producer in cultural sector), S.B. (Consultant / Coach in cultural sector), C.S. (Scientist, Founder, Project Manager at a university), M.W. (Programme Director at a university), K.W. (Programme Officer at a foundation), E.N. (Cultural Manager / Managing Director), J.G. (Public Sector employee), A.W. (Festival Production Manager), Y.R. (Author, Curator), J.K. (Managing Director in the cultural sector), I.S.D.S. (Scientist, Artist), H.H. (Coder in the cultural sector)
Diorama "Brecht into the Metaverse"
by Katharina Haverich
Design & Building Franz Thöricht
3D Print Christopher Böhm
Testing Michael Baumann
All projects produced by Ymusic